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Cancellation of Winter BIY League due to COVID-19

Every player in the Winter BIY League should have just received and email announcing the unfortunate cancellation of the league. Here is a summary of the email.

As you’re aware, the Board of Directors decided to postpone the league prior to the March 16th (week 3) games. This decision was made to protect the health and safety of our players amidst the escalating COVID-19 situation.
The league was supposed to run until May 18th, but it has become clear that things likely won’t be back to normal by that time. We know that these are challenging times for our members, and we have decided to cancel the remainder of the league in order to issue refunds to our players.
We will be refunding teams for everything except weeks 1 and 2. Some teams paid different fees based on the bye weeks, and the amount of each team’s refund is outlined in detail in the email. The team fees will be issued back to the captains that originally paid the fee. It will be up to captains to get the player fees back to their players. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. 

Now for a note about our summer league. In past years, registration for summer league would normally open at the beginning of April. We will not be opening registration at that time this year, since we are unsure of whether or not the league will be able to go ahead this summer. Whenever things look to be getting back to normal, the Board will start to plan the launch of a new league. Unfortunately, we have no idea when that will be, and we will have to play things by ear as this situation unfolds. We hope that we will be able to run some sort of summer league, but we hope you can understand that things are very uncertain at the moment. We will share any updates about future leagues on our website, newsletter and social media though, so please stay tuned to those outlets.
We hope that all of you are staying safe and healthy out there, and we look forward to seeing you all on the field sometime in the future!

MZU Board of Directors

Adoption of USAU 2020-2021 12th Edition Rules

Recently, Ultimate Canada adopted the 2020-2021 USAU 12th Edition Rules. Since we are a member league, we will also be adopting these rules, starting with the Winter Build-It-Yourself League.
The rules have been posted on our website here.
We’ve also posted a handy explanation article that highlights a lot of the key changes here.

We will be doing our own Rule of the Week posts in the coming weeks to get everyone up to speed. In the meantime, we ask that players bear with us rolling out this information. We ask that players in our league review the new rules, and use patience during their games as we all come to a better understanding of the new rules! Hopefully this league will be great way to get used to the rules and be ready for Summer 2020!

2019 Summer / Fall Feedback Survey

We’ve created a survey to collect feedback for our 2019 Summer and Fall leagues!
You can fill out the survey here.
This should take about 5-10 minutes to complete. Please share with your friends and teammates so that we can get as many people to fill this out as possible. Your feedback is what helps us plan for and improve future leagues.
*Prize Alert!*
Players that fill out this survey before December 31st will be entered to win free registration for our 2020 Winter Toque League!

2020 Winter Toque League

We recently polled our membership to see if players would prefer a 6v6 or 4v4 league for the 2020 Winter Toque League. The vote was almost right down the middle, so we decided to switch things up and run a few different divisions within the league!

You can view the three different divisions and the details on the league page here.
Registration opens on Tuesday December 3rd at noon.

International Spirit of the Game Day

Each year, at the beginning of December, communities around the world are encouraged to embrace Spirit of the Game by hosting events, clinics and activities where players can discuss and demonstrate good Spirit. This year, on Monday December 2nd, MZU is partnering with Ultimate NL, and we’re taking the time to educate our members about the importance of Spirit of the Game.
Prior to Monday’s games, all players in the Fall Indoor BIY League will receive an email with this iSOTG Day Handout. Players are encouraged to read it as it highlights some different ways to embrace Spirit of the Game, as well as outlining how to properly calculate Spirit scores based on WFDF’s scoring system.
Board members will be visiting different spirit circles during Monday’s games, reminding players to review the handout, and answering any questions about Spirit of the Game.
Also, any players that are nominated as Most Spirited Players on Monday December 2nd and 9th will be entered into a draw to win $100! Half of the prize will be a $50 gift card, and the other half will be a $50 donation to the charity of the winner’s choice.

For more information about International Spirit of the Game Day, check our this website.

2018-2019 Annual General Meeting and 2019-2020 Board of Directors

November 14th was our Annual General Meeting, where we recapped the year, and elected the Board of Directors for the 2019-2020 year. If you were unable to attend the meeting, you can check out the slideshow here: Annual General Meeting 2018-19. Our Annual Report will follow in the coming weeks.

We would like to welcome the new BoD:

President: Allan Johnson

VP League: Jason Murphy

VP Communications: Rachael Fitkowski

VP Spirit: Colin Martin

VP Finance: Vacant

Members-at-Large: Jill Henderson, Dana Howse, Jordan Kavanagh, Chris Downey, Rebecca Price, and Lesley Butler

A big thank you goes out to our outgoing board members, including Adam Drover, Jess Wade, Michael Walsh, and Gina Reid!

Reminder – No Games on November 11th

Due to a double booking at the Techniplex, there will be no games in our Fall Indoor BIY League on Monday November 11th. Games will return on Monday November 18th. Captains have been refunded the cost of one week of play. The regular season will be shortened from 10 weeks to 9, and playoffs will remain at 3 weeks. If you have any questions or concerns, please email

2019 Annual General Meeting

Recap the year and elect the volunteer board of directors for 2019-2020 at Mile Zero Ultimate’s Annual General Meeting.

This year’s AGM will take place at the Elk’s Club (19 Carpasian Road) on Thursday November 14th at 7pm. More details to come about proposed by-law changes and proxy forms.

The Board of Director Positions that are up for election include:
– President
– VP League
– VP Finance
– VP Communications
– VP Spirit
– 6 x Member-at-Large

Descriptions of all of the positions can be found in our by-laws here:

If you are unable to make it to the meeting, you can assign your proxy to a teammate or friend here:

Members are allowed to have a maximum 7 proxies assigned to them.