In May 2019, we surveyed our membership to collect feedback on recent gender equity initiatives that were used in the 2019 Winter BIY League. This document, What We Heard – 2019 Winter BIY League Survey Results, illustrates the feedback we received. Thank you to everyone who filled out the survey and provided comment!
MZU’s Wednesday Pick-up Games are back this summer!
This is a great opportunity to get out for an extra game of Ultimate in a zero pressure environment! Wanna work on that backhand? Wanna get a friend out to try the sport that’s never played before!? Come one come all to this totally FREE and totally AWESOME MZU offering!
Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm at Bowring Park. Stay tuned to our Facebook page for weekly event details, as some weeks may be canceled if the field is required for a rescheduled game.
Summer League Schedule Update
Now that our Winter BIY League has come to an end, we’re hoping to get some feedback on some of the Gender Equity initiatives that were used in this league. If you played in this league, please fill out the survey here!
Players that fill out this survey before May 31st will be entered to win free registration* for our 2019 Summer League! In order to keep these survey answers anonymous, after submitting your survey answers, you will be redirected to another form to fill in your name and email, where you will be entered to win the free registration*.
*As registration will have closed by this time, the winner will be reimbursed the $55 registration fee. If the winner is not registered in the 2019 Summer League, they can transfer the prize to another player that is.*
In anticipation of the upcoming Summer League, Mile Zero Ultimate (St. John’s co-ed league) has partnered with Tempest Ultimate (NL’s female-matching competitive traveling team) to run two ultimate clinics to help players prepare for the summer.
The clinics are free and will be focused on beginner and intermediate skills. Players of any skill level are welcome; whether you have never thrown a disc or have played for a couple of years, you are bound to learn something new!
The first clinic is Monday May 13th from 9-11pm at the Techniplex.
Participants will rotate through 5 stations, which will include the following topics:
– Backhand Throwing
– Forehand Throwing
– Defending a Thrower (setting the mark)
– Defending a Cutter
– Cutting Techniques
Within each station, beginner and intermediate concepts for each topic will be addressed, depending on the skill level of the group. There will also be a group warm-up, and a discussion on injury prevention.
These clinics are a great opportunity to try out a new sport, or get in some practice before the upcoming MZU Summer League. Sign up solo or bring a friend! Please fill out the form below if you plan on attending. (Attendees must be at least 18 years of age by the end of 2019, as per MZU’s bylaws).
Sign up here:
Details will be released in the coming weeks about a second clinic at the beginning of June. If you have any questions, please contact
Details for our upcoming summer league have been announced! Check out the league details here.
The Winter BIY League is using bye weeks to accommodate more teams. Below is the bye schedule for the entire league. Every team makes the playoffs and will play on Monday May 6th.
If you’d like to sign up as a sub for the Winter BIY league, you can fill out the Google Form here.
We also started a Facebook Group to try and better connect Captains and potential subs. You can join that group here.
For the 2019 Winter Build-It-Yourself League, we are planning to use the bye format again (similar to Winter 2018), to give more teams the opportunity to play. We have space for 30 teams in this league, and we are asking that all interested captains fill out the form here. The form closes Friday, February 15th, 2019 at midnight.
If you are a captain looking for players, or a player/group looking for a team, you can use the matchmaking form here.
For league details such as important dates and league dates, check out the league page here.
For this league, we will be using a variation of WFDF Gender Ratio Rule ‘A’: