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2017-18 Annual Report and By-Law Changes

The 2017-18 Mile Zero Ultimate Annual Report has been uploaded to the website. Check out the Governance Page here. There were also a number of by-law changes that were voted on favourably by the membership at the past AGM. Those changes are also highlighted in the Annual Report.

2018-2019 Board of Directors

Our new Board of Directors for 2018-2019 was elected on Wednesday November 14th at the AGM. Congrats to everyone that was elected, and thank you to our outgoing members: Tiff Warren, Mark Flynn, and Peter Thompson.

President: Allan Johnson

VP Spirit: Jordan Kavanagh

VP Communications: Rachael Fitkowski

VP League: Jason Murphy

VP Finance: Adam Drover

Members-at-Large: Gina Reid, Jill Henderson, Jess Wade, Dana Howse, Michael Walsh, Colin Martin

2018 Annual General Meeting

Date: Wednesday November 14th, 7:30pm
Location: Elk’s Club, 19 Carpasian Road

Recap the year, review the member survey and by-law changes, and elect the volunteer Board of Directors for 2018-2019.
Check out the Facebook event here.

Board of Directors Positions up for election:
– President
– VP League
– VP Finance
– VP Communications
– VP Spirit
– 6 x Member-at-Large
For a detailed list of responsibilities for each position, please review our by-laws, which can be found here.

This year we’re proposing some changes to the current by-laws, to be voted on by the membership at the meeting. You can view the proposed changes here, along with the reasoning behind them: MZU Proposed Bylaw Changes 2018.

If you are unable to attend, you can assign another MZU member to be your proxy. Members are allowed to hold 7 proxies for voting, plus their own vote for a total of 8. You can fill out the proxy form here:

Annual General Meeting – Save the Date

It’s that time of year, Mile Zero Ultimate’s Annual General Meeting. Recap the year, review the member survey, and elect the volunteer board of directors for 2018-2019.

Save the date, Wednesday, November 14th, 7:30pm at the Elk’s Club on Carpasian Road. Join the Facebook event here to view more details.

BOD Positions up for election:
– President
– VP League
– VP Finance
– VP Communications
– VP Spirit
– 6 x Member-at-Large

2018 Fall Indoor Build-It-Yourself Team League

Expressions of Interest are now be accepted for the 2018 Fall Indoor Build-It-Yourself Team League. For league details, and to submit your expression of interest, click here.

If you are a captain looking for more players, or a player looking for a team to join, you can use the matchmaking form here.

2018 Fall Outdoor Hat League

Registration for the 2018 Fall Outdoor Hat League opens on Wednesday August 8th at noon. For league details and to register, click here.

Are you completely new to ultimate, or did you play in your first league in our Capital Subaru Summer League? Why not give our Fall Outdoor Hat League a try! As part of our New Player incentive, sign up for our Fall Outdoor Hat League and save $10 off the $30 registration fee*! For league details and to register, click here.