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Summer Schedules

Beware that in week 7, on July 18th and 20th, we swap nights for the remainder of the season. The top teams will play on Thursdays and the bottom teams will play on Tuesdays. Plan your schedules accordingly!

Playoffs begin in week 12: August 22nd and 24th, with the Playoff Day and Party on August 26th!

MZU’s updated subbing policy (2017)

Mile Zero Ultimate has an updated substitute player policy. This was introduced at the Captains’ Meeting on May 31st.

As of June 2017, we will allow players registered within the league to play as subs in up to two games for other teams during that league, excluding the playoffs. Players who are not registered in the league can still play up to half the games (rounded up), including one playoff game. Subbing is still free.

As a new requirement, every substitute player must have an online profile on and join the Substitute Player 2017-18 event. When a player visits from out of town or joins for the first time, we require a profile and that they accept our waiver.

Captains must discuss their subs with the opposing captain prior to the game. They must also record the identities of substitute players when recording the score online. Substitution must be done in accordance to the Spirit of the Game. Subs should allow you to play a game without defaulting; they should not greatly influence the outcome of the game.

The full text of the substitute player policy is posted on our website at

To register as a sub, create a profile and join the FREE event “Substitute Player 2017-18

Additionally, you may sign up on the sub list to advertise your availability to captains.

Summer ultimate is upon us!

MZU Capital Subaru Summer League’s schedule has been posted for the first two weeks of June. Check it out in zuluru and start planning your evenings.

The Captains’ Meeting is May 31st.

Plus there are two local tournaments coming up soon, and registration is ongoing for the men’s and women’s ultimate leagues. Check it out!

Ultimate NL’s Summer Kick-Off Tournament on June 10th
Salmon Cove Sands Beach Ultimate Tournament on July 8th
MAUL – Men’s Avalon Ultimate League
SWURL – St. John’s Women’s Ultimate Recreational League

Disc Design Contest – Vote Now!

From March 29th to April 20th Mile Zero Ultimate solicited its membership for design submissions for our next disc. We’re really impressed, our members are amazing. Check out the designs and vote for your favourites. We’ll be working with Discraft to bring you a new disc this summer with the winning design.

Voting is live! From April 22-27, choose your favourite designs and have a chance at winning a disc of your own.

Vote using our Google Form.

Don’t forget to register for MZU Capital Subaru Summer League. Registration closes on May 3rd.

MZU Capital Subaru Summer League Registration

MZU 2017 Capital Subaru Summer League is an outdoor league that plays Tuesday and Thursday nights on grass fields in St. John’s. Registration for summer league is from April 12 to May 3! Click here to begin.

If you are looking for a team, or if you are a team looking for players, check out our matchmaking form.

New for 2017: Members MUST pay their $30 Ultimate NL PSO Membership Fees through the Ultimate NL Website.

Please note that while Ultimate NL fees are no longer paid on the Mile Zero Ultimate website, they remain as a requirement to play in MZU leagues.

If you have not already paid your Ultimate NL PSO Membership Fee, please go here.

As always, any questions please email the league at or reach us on Facebook/Twitter.

MZU Spring Update

We’re one month into the Winter BIY league. Officially it’s spring, but we know better. Anyway, we’ve been busy planning for summer. The latest MZU Times newsletter is coming to an inbox near you!

This edition includes the details of the 2017 Capital Subaru Summer League, as well as MZU’s Disc Design Contest. We want your help to design our next disc. The winner gets a copy and free registration to the summer league!

Submissions are due by April 20th 2017. Read the rules on the contest page.

This summer we are offering a single tier of play for all teams, with a ladder ranking system. Also, MZU will not host a Monday mixed league.

Winter BIY Registration

The teams have been selected. Registration and rostering is on now until March 2nd. Games begin on March 6th.

If any teams fail to register a full team by midnight March 2nd, we will proceed down the wait list.

For those teams needing players, and players needing teams, you can use our MATCHMAKING page!
Accepted Teams

  1. Scoober Doo
  2. Biohazard
  3. Frisky Dingo
  4. TBA – Megan Roome
  5. Young Guns
  6. Huckin’ Problems
  7. Flicky Minaj
  8. Huck Up? Huck Off!
  9. Sex Panther
  10. Flickipedia
  11. MUNmed
  12. Team Slow Clap
  13. Huck Norris
  14. GOZers
  15. Canadian Armed Flickers
  16. Stop Staring at my Disc
  17. Crush
  18. The Freeze Bees
  19. Drunk & Disc-oriented
  20. Rubber Huckies
  21. Blackhorse
  22. Past My Bedtime
  23. Donkey
  24. Scoober Heroes


  1. Dave’s Darts
  2. Lobsters
  3. Misflicks
  4. Throw The Game
  5. Nighthawks

Attention: Waitlisted teams will gain automatic entry into the next indoor BIY, provided that:

  • They submit a full roster of a minimum of 10 eligible players once waitlisted; and
  • 60% of the roster does not play in the current BIY league; and
  • 60% of the players are on the roster for the next league.

Click here for all the other details about the 2017 Winter BIY league

Winter BIY League, apply soon!

Coming soon, MZU’s Winter Build-It-Yourself League!
Eleven more weeks of 5on5 speedpoint on turf at the Techniplex.

Team applications begin on February 2nd.
Check the league page for all the details.

Registration Schedule:

  • February 2 to February 16 – Captains express interest, submit team/partial rosters via Google Form.
  • February 20th – If there is interest from more than 24 teams, MZU will hold a lottery to see which teams gain entry.
  • Waitlisted teams will gain automatic entry into the next indoor BIY, provided that:
    • They submit a full roster of a minimum of 10 eligible players once waitlisted; and
    • 60% of the roster does not play in the current BIY league; and
    • 60% of the players are on the roster for the next league.
  • February 21 to March 2 – Captains registration, invite players to roster, etc.
  • March 3rd – If any teams fail to complete registration, contact teams on the waitlist until league is full.
  • March 6th – League play begins.

So start building your teams, and getting ready for another action packed season of indoor build it yourself Ultimate.

Leagues Merger, we want to hear from you!

To the St. John’s / Avalon ultimate community,

You may have heard, the three adult ultimate leagues in the St. John’s area are discussing a merger. SWURL, MAUL and MZU shared their joint statement in the fall of 2016 (see below).

We have another merger meeting upcoming. We’re ready to add your considerations to the discussion. Please tell us, do you have questions or concerns about such a merger? Can you think of any road blocks? Are you concerned, for or against this idea? Tell us why.

Please send in your comments using this form. The form permits anonymity.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you,


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This is to notify members that Mile Zero Ultimate (MZU), the Men’s Avalon Ultimate League (MAUL), and the St. John’s Women’s Ultimate Recreational League (SWURL) have started discussions towards an eventual merger of these three Ultimate Leagues within the St. John’s metropolitan area. The purpose of the merger would be to better coordinate leagues and services for our members and reduce the duplication of volunteer efforts within our local ultimate community. While there is no specific timeline for this plan, it is expected that the leagues will hold a joint information session during Winter 2017 to update and inform members of any progress as we work together toward this goal.

Members are invited to provide feedback throughout this process by contacting either MZU, MAUL, or SWURL via the following email addresses:,, or